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Hair Care Instructions

Daily care: 

Use a wide tooth comb or a paddle brush to brush your hair extensions. 

Use a silicone-based product to lightly coat the surface of your hair. Try to avoid applying oil because oil will penetrate the hair cuticles and cause changes to the hair structure.


Night time routine: 

Before you get your beauty rest, gather your hair and braid it into one or two loose braids.

Once you have braided your hair place a satin scarf or bonnet on your head.

If you do not like scarfs and/or bonnets you can use a satin pillow case instead. 

Shampooing Instructions:  

Make sure you detangle your hair before you began to wash your hair.

Once the hair is detangled wet the hair with luke- warm water and apply a sulfate- free shampoo of your choosing.

Do not message the hair and apply the shampoo in a downward motion. Rinse thoroughly. 

Apply moisturizing condition in a downward motion.

Use your fingers or wide tooth comb to detangle your hair.

Rinse thoroughly and allow to air dry.


Avoid using alcohol based products on your hair because it will cause dryness to your hair. 


After your third or fourth wash add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to your shampoo water. The apple cider vinegar will remove build up from your hair. 


Always condition your hair with a moisturizing conditioner 

Do not weight down your hair by using too much unnecessary product

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